Financial Planning

Demand for Energy-Efficient Properties Strengthens

Demand for Energy-Efficient Properties Strengthens

“Sustainable development requires human ingenuity. People are the most important resource” – Dan Shechtman

2 min read

Demand for Energy-Efficient Properties Strengthens

“Sustainable development requires human ingenuity. People are the most important resource” – Dan Shechtman

2 min read

A growing proportion of house hunters are focusing on energy-efficient considerations when looking to buy a new home.

How are Energy-efficient different from self-sufficient homes?

Energy-efficiency simply means the property will use less energy, whilst remaining on-the-grid.

On the other hand, a self-succient property requires no external heat or power supply, which makes energy prices completely irrelevant. Many of these types of houses will generate energy from solar, wind, heat pumps or water sources. However, a 100% self-sufficient home is rare, with homes realistically being able to achieve up to 80% self-sufficiency.

What parts of the property are involved in energy-efficient construction?

Insulation is key when constructing or renovating a property to be energy-efficient. This means that windows, doors, the attic and basement will need to be carefully considered. In addition, modern heating and ventilation systems are often able to out-perform older systems thereby cutting heating costs and heat loss. 

Is energy-efficient construction or property worth it?

In a climate of rising energy prices, making your home energy-efficient can reduce your costs of powering and heating your home. This can have a significant impact in your outgoings over time. Usually, the investment pays for itself in a few years. That being said, it is imporant to remember that energy-efficient properties can require maintenance that others might not.

A growing proportion of house hunters are focusing on energy-efficient considerations when looking to buy a new home

Research1 suggests that rising energy prices and the cost-of-living crisis are having a significant impact on how buyers prioritise various desirable features, with an increasing number focusing on aspects related to energy efficiency.

Key features

Cavity wall insulation was this year’s biggest mover of the top 20 features, rising five spots from 20th in 2021 to 15th in the current rankings. In addition, a good energy efficiency rating rose three spots to sixth place, while a new boiler or central heating system was four positions higher than last year in ninth.

Top spot

Interestingly, the top five must-have house attributes remained the same this year as last, with a private garden and central heating tied at the top of the table. Double glazing, secure doors and windows and a reliable broadband connection also remained high up on the list of desirable features.

Bring your stresses to a halt, get in touch

Searching for an energy-efficient home, or any home for that matter, can be challenging, and if you are building or renovating your own property, there are many subsidies or tax deductions that you might be eligible for. We are here to make every step of the property purchasing process as efficient as possible. So, get in touch today and we’ll work to make your property purchase, renovation or construction as seamless as it can be with the support from our specialists.

Send us an e-mail to or call us direct at +41 21 801 36 84.

1GoCompare, 2022


Five Common Mortgage Myths

Five Common Mortgage Myths

“There have been few things in my life which have had a more genial effect on my mind than the possession of a piece of land” – Harriet Martineau

2 min read

Five Common Mortgage Myths

“There have been few things in my life which have had a more genial effect on my mind than the possession of a piece of land” – Harriet Martineau

2 min read

Getting a foot on the property ladder is an aspiration that dates back generations. Unfortunately, some mortgage myths are just as old. If you’re looking to buy in 2022, it’s important to know fact from fiction.

1. MYTH: You need a perfect credit rating

A bad credit history can have a negative impact on your mortgage application, but it doesn’t make getting a mortgage impossible. Indeed, there are specialist lenders who offer mortgages to people with less favourable credit histories.

2. MYTH: You can’t get a mortgage if you’re self-employed

It’s also a myth that being self-employed means you can’t get a mortgage. You might have to jump through a few extra hoops to prove your income, but with the rise of freelance and flexible work, many lenders are now better suited to assess different employment situations.

3. MYTH: You should choose a home before thinking about mortgages

The opposite is true! It’s a good idea to meet with us even before finding your dream home.

4. MYTH: You should always pick the lowest interest rate

Although it’s natural to focus on the headline figure, a low initial rate does not necessarily mean a cheaper mortgage. If you’re on a tracker mortgage, for example, the rate can rise at any time. So, a higher fixed rate might end up cheaper in the long term. Different fees can also come into play; we can weigh up your options.

5. MYTH: You need to get a mortgage from your current bank

There’s no obligation to get a mortgage from your current bank. In fact, it’s a good idea to compare multiple providers to find the best deal for your needs.

Get in touch

We can help dispel myths at every stage of your mortgage journey. Our clear and transparent approach will help you find the most suitable mortgage for your circumstances. Just get in touch today via e-mail to or call us direct to +41 78 214 84 32.

Financial Planning Mortgages

Avoiding Collapse: Managing Your Property Chain in 2022

Avoiding Collapse: Managing Your Property Chain in 2022

1 min read

You’ve found your ideal property, you’re just about ready to exchange contracts, and then you get the call: your buyer has pulled out, leaving your own transaction in jeopardy.

Unfortunately, many property transactions are interlinked in this way, with the decision of one buyer having a knock-on effect on the whole chain, with the worst possible scenario seeing every single buyer losing out on their new home. However, there are actions you can take to speed up the process and reduce the risk of things going wrong.

Go Chain-Free

You can avoid a chain altogether by finding a seller whose own transaction isn’t dependent on the sale of their property. However, this does limit your options, so what steps can you take if you do find yourself in a chain?

Organisation, Organisation, Organisation

Getting your transaction over and done with as quickly as possible limits the chances of your chain collapsing. Be proactive in instructing your solicitor and other professionals, ensure you’re completing forms and sending them back as quickly as possible, and chase up any delays.

Rent for a Short Period

Depending on your circumstances, it may be possible to sell your home and rent for a little while so that you’re not dependent on a buyer. Likewise, if your seller’s transaction falls through, you may be able to ask them to rent on a short-term basis so that you can still complete your purchase.

Let Us Help

Another way you can speed up your transaction and protect your chain is by securing an agreement in principle with a mortgage provider before beginning your search. We can help you there!

Get in touch today and book your initial, free, no-obligation meeting. You have nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain! Send us an e-mail to, call us direct at +41 78 214 84 32.