This page is a demonstration of what your Institution’s webpage could resemble. This banner will be removed.

The layout is customisable within our design limits, compatible on mobile and the content can incorporate all manner of different topics, announcements and information that you deem relevant. Customisation includes having your own custom URL link of choice (e.g. Logo and/or campus imagery will be linked to your own website.

We can provide separate pages for your Staff and your Parents or Students.

[Insert your own Institution’s imagery here, such as your logo or campus]

[Insert Institution Name]

We are delighted to welcome all [Insert Institution Name]’s [Staff or Parents] to your exclusive info-site.

[Insert Organisation Name]

We are delighted to welcome all [Insert Institution Name]’s [Staff or Parents] to your exclusive info-site.

Example Page for Your Staff

Here you will be able to find links to relevant information and additional webpages from Patterson Mills about your Company pension scheme, announcements and other relevant information. We encourage you to read the below.

Your links:

Should you have any questions relating to the information herein or any other financial enquiries, we encourage you to get in touch with one of our dedicated Advisers.

Have a query not related to financial services or any of the above? Our broad network will most likely be able to help. Please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to find the right person to assist you.

Example Page for Your Parents

Here you will be able to find all relevant information and additional webpages from Patterson Mills regarding the financial services available to you in partnership with [Insert Institution Name].

Financial Planning is a process that enables you to take control of your finances, and use them to move positively towards your goals and objectives. We provide a service that is:

  • Clear, Fair and Transparent

    We believe that all costs should be clear, fair and transparent. This way, our Clients avoid any concern of being met with unknown up-front, fixed or increased costs over many years, or being tied into unsuitable and inflexible long-term plans.

  • Commission Free

    We do not take commission on any of our recommendations

  • Understandable

    We make sure that our Clients are able to make fully informed decisions. This comes from minimising the use of Jargon and ensuring that you understand each part of the process.

How We Work With You

Our extensive range of financial services includes, but is not limited to, wealth protection and investment management advice, retirement income planning, estate planning, property finance and many cross-border services.

To begin your journey with Patterson Mills, our process features 3 key steps:

  • Initial Exploratory Discussion

    We discuss your individual situation, during a no-cost and no-obligation meeting (online or in-person), with you and explain how our services may be of benefit, outlining the various appropriate options for creating the most efficient strategies to obtain your goals.

  • Gathering Relevant Information

    We require you to provide us with certain detailed information from you about your current financial position (digitally or physically), in order to understand how best to achieve your key objectives and make the most suitable recommendations. This includes considering your financial priorities, their various time horizons and creating a risk profile.

  • Financial Report Creation

    Knowing about you and your personal objectives, from our discussions concerning time horizons, investment risk and your personal preferences, we produce our Financial Review Report. This Report contains our detailed analysis and recommendations, showing how we can successfully achieve your objectives.

To ensure your understanding, we provide a meeting following our Report (online or in-person), that ensures you are able to understand the contents within to the fullest extent. From this point, we very much hope you see the value in our recommendations and how we will be well suited to help you achieve success for your financial future.

Getting started could not be easier. Get in touch with us at, call us direct on +41 21 801 36 84 or click the button below.

Have a query not related to financial services? Our broad network will most likely be able to help. Please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to find the right person to assist you.